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RoJM Teaching Resources

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I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.




I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
CVC Short Medial Vowels  PowerPoint Presentations, Activities, Teacher Notes - EYFS/KS1

CVC Short Medial Vowels PowerPoint Presentations, Activities, Teacher Notes - EYFS/KS1

This Presentation relates to mixed CVC short medial vowels a, e, i, o, u. A lovely time-saving presentation to introduce into your phonic sessions. <strong>Play in Slide Show.</strong> Students are asked to think, pair and share. <strong>Presentation 1 – (6 Slides) (Suitable to assess students’ knowledge of CVC words).</strong> You can use this presentation to see how many words your children can make with each of the five medial vowels in CVC words. To make it more exciting, I have uploaded a timer set for 2 mins and 5 mins. Children write as many CVC words as they can with: • Medial vowel ‘a’ • Medial vowel ‘e’ • Medial vowel ‘i’ • Medial vowel ‘o’ • Medial vowel ‘u’ You can do a vowel a day. <strong>Presentation 2 – (16 Slides) (Suitable for Middle Ability students)</strong> In this presentation, students are asked to write CVC words, but they are given clues in sentences to help them. You can show one sentence clue at a time. When they have written the word on their whiteboards or have given an answer orally, you can reveal the answers on the next slides. Each picture is labelled with its CVC word. <strong>Presentation 3 – (16 Slides) (Suitable for students learning CVC Words with short vowels)</strong> In this presentation, children are shown pictures of mixed CVC words. With their partner, they say the word and write it down. <strong>You can show one picture at a time.</strong> When they have written their word, reveal the answers one by one by clicking on the slide. Option: You can choose which presentation you want to play in your phonics session. You may want to concentrate just on medial vowel ‘e’ in all three presentations. Also included: Teacher Notes PowerPoint 2 mins and 5 mins Timer Thank you for visiting my shop:-) This is part of a bundle.
Consonant Blend Final Endings Clusters Worksheets Cut/Paste Match Up Word Searches

Consonant Blend Final Endings Clusters Worksheets Cut/Paste Match Up Word Searches

This product relates to final consonant blends or clusters endings. Please see worksheet activities. Content: • Endings Blends Match (3worksheets) • Making Words with Ending Blends (3 worksheets) • Colouring activity – Which Word? (3 worksheets) • Differentiated Cut and paste activities (4 worksheets) • Cut and paste activities - Consonant Final Blends Sort (4 worksheets) • Completing sentences with the correct word (2 worksheets) • Two Word Searches with Solution The final blends used in this product are: ct nd ft nk lp nt lk pt lt sk ld sp mp st lf • Endings Blends Match (3 worksheets) Students look at the picture and then draw a line from the beginning of the word to the picture and then to the ending blend to spell the word. See the first example on the worksheet. • Making Words with Ending Blends (3 worksheets) Students can choose any of the final consonant blends to complete the words below the boxes. Once they have made word, the students draw a picture to go with the word because two words can be made with be__ , i.e. best or bend. Both are correct as they are real words. • Colouring activity – Which Word? (3 worksheets) Students sound out the word that goes with the picture in the centre and then colour the correct word that goes with the picture. As an extension activity, on a separate sheet, students can write a sentence with the words that are not coloured in. • Differentiated Cut and paste activities (4 worksheets) The first set of worksheets do not contain pictures. Students cut out the ending blends and match it to the correct starting letters to make a word. When they have made a word, they write out the word neatly on the handwriting lines. Some of your students may need pictures to help them join the ending blends to the letters to make a word. For each word the students make, they can sound out the letters. ** • Cut and paste Consonant Final Blends sort (4 Sheets)** Students sort the pictures into the correct column. They finish off the word with the correct final blends. • Completing sentences with the correct word (Differentiated worksheets) Students read the sentences and then choose the correct word so that the sentences make sense. 2 Word Searches with pictures to colour in. File Type: Word and PDF Thank you for visiting my store:-) I hope you enjoy using these worksheets. You may also be interested in: 30 Initial Consonant Blends Worksheets
Onset & Rime Word Families (Total 29), PowerPoint Presentations, Worksheets, Teacher Notes

Onset & Rime Word Families (Total 29), PowerPoint Presentations, Worksheets, Teacher Notes

This comprehensive resource contains groups of word families /onset and rime. There are PowerPoint Presentations to teach onset and rime word families which contain: Whole class teaching via the Presentations , e.g. saying the onset and rime and seeing why they rhyme. You can extend the lesson e.g. which two pictures rhyme bud/bed/red which can be played with the picture cards. There is a Teachers’ Guide on suggestions on how to use this resource. The Picture Cards and Word Cards should be laminated and cut out for continued use. Lots of activities for children to do: Matching words to pictures and vice versa with the laminated cut out picture/word cards Cut/paste activities to sort onset/rime word families Sorting into boxes - read words below using phonological knowledge to sort words Write simple captions for the pictures and then color in, eg. rat on a cat, dog on a log using key sight words , a, an, the and on. Worksheet - write initial phoneme to complete word Worksheet - write ending of rime to complete each word Onset/rime covered: -at, -ad, -ag, -an, -et, -en, -eg, -ed, -ot, -og, -in, -ig, -ug, -un, -ip, -ut, -ap, -op, -ay, -it -ox, and additional resources for -um, -ud, -ob, -ub, -ix, -od, -on and -am All resources are printable, editable and can be adapted to suit your class. Learning aim: Recognise and produce rhyming words. File Type: Word and PowerPoint contained in a .zip file You may be interested in the bundle: www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonics-onset-and-rime-activity-bundle-11576490
CVC/Onset and Rime, CVC Differentiated Phonics Cut and Paste Activity Sheets - EYFS/Year 1/Pre-K/K

CVC/Onset and Rime, CVC Differentiated Phonics Cut and Paste Activity Sheets - EYFS/Year 1/Pre-K/K

Very useful addition to your phonics resources to reinforce spelling and writing of CVC words and reading simple sentences. Aimed at: EYFS/Year 1 A set of worksheets for children to practise spelling and writing words that have the same rime ending. The children can practise reading sight words and decodable words. This practical resource contains cut and paste worksheets of 29 onset/rime words. **The worksheets are differentiated. There are 29 worksheets in each set. ** Onset and Rime 1 Worksheets - The cut/paste activity is in two parts. The student cuts out, sorts and then sticks each letter in the correct order to spell what the picture is. The second part is to write in the gap to complete the sentence using the rhyming words they have cut out and glued beneath the pictures in the first part of the activity. Includes Answer Sheet for the sentences. All 29 worksheets are in the same format. Onset and Rime 2 Worksheets - The cut/paste only sheet has two rhyming pictures with the letters to cut out and stick below the pictures to spell the word. The student then writes the words on the line under the cut out letters. All 29 worksheets are in the same format. The students can colour in the pictures. The onset and rime words used are:- cat, mat tag, bag pan, van sad, pad jet, net hen, pen peg, leg ted, bed dot, pot pin, bin pig, wig bug, jug run, sun pip, lip cut, nut cap, map say, hay fox, box hop, mop fit, sit gum, sum cub, tub sob, cob pod, cod bud, mud mix, six won, Ron jam, ham log, dog Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
Split Digraphs- 5 Presentations, 5 Lesson Plans, Phonics Work - Activity Sheets, Practical lessons

Split Digraphs- 5 Presentations, 5 Lesson Plans, Phonics Work - Activity Sheets, Practical lessons

UPDATED - Includes PDF Format of all worksheets, lesson plans and word search solutions. This colourful resource is a detailed introduction to teaching split digraphs. There are 5 PowerPoint Presentations - which includes whole class activities. <strong>Each presentation focuses on a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e and u-e split digraphs. </strong> <strong>The phonic pack also contains: </strong> 5 lesson plans - slides are referred to in the plans - includes objectives and key questions. Differentiated activities - filling in split digraph letters, write sentences, word searches, correcting misspelt words (highlighted), e.g. hoem, tiem. Solution to the word searches Practical activities making split digraph words on laminated strips. Split digraph strips, letters a-z, consonant digraphs and consonant blends - to be laminated and cut out. Flashcards for teaching Teacher’s Notes If you only require worksheets only, visit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/split-digraphs-phonics-worksheets-keystage-1-11589999 Goes well with: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phase-3-phonics-consonant-digraphs-vowel-digraphs-trigraphs-presentations-worksheets-activities-11073647 File type: Power Point, Microsoft Word and PDF
Split Digraphs Phonics  Worksheets -  Keystage 1

Split Digraphs Phonics Worksheets - Keystage 1

This resource material is on split digraphs - a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e and u-e. Some teachers only require the worksheets so I have made a separate resource pack. THIS IS PART OF A WHOLE PACK - see below for link to my shop. There are two sets of worksheets: Worksheet 1 set -Students look at the pictures and complete the missing consonant to make the split digraph words. Choose 3 words and write a sentence using each of the choosen words. Mini word search to do (includes solutions). Worksheet 2 - (5 pages) Students read each sentence and unscramble the highlighted words. If you require the whole pack to include presentations, lesson plans and practical activities, please visit my shop: -) You may be interested in: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonics-split-digraphs-5-presentations-5-lesson-plans-activity-sheets-practical-lessons-11348539
Alphabet: Presentations, Capital/lower case letters, Interactive pictures and words Activity

Alphabet: Presentations, Capital/lower case letters, Interactive pictures and words Activity

This presentation pack comprises 5 PowerPoint Presentations. Aim: To develop children’s knowledge of the alphabet (upper/lower case letters) and sound and letter correspondences. Just choose a presentation and play. The 5 presentations all include animation. (Shortcut for Slide View press f5 tab) . Each presentation can be used as lesson starters, standalone lessons or as a plenary. Teacher Notes also included. General description: Children recite the alphabet as they appear in alphabetical order: with letters, pictures and words capitals letters only lower case letters only a mix of lower and upper case letters (children name the letters as they appear) interactive alphabet pictures and words (a-z) with each picture linked to Slide 28 that contains a table of words linking back to each picture on the slides. You can click on the links to go back and forth to pictures and words. See Preview Panes. Other Alphabet resources: Learning the Alphabet lesson Learning the Alphabet includes lesson plan and worksheets File Type: PowerPoint Presentation
CVC Words Activities Picture Cards   Phonics Read Write Tasks  Early Years Year 1

CVC Words Activities Picture Cards Phonics Read Write Tasks Early Years Year 1

CVC words fun activities with picture cards for Reception and Year 1/PreK and K. Learning intention: Blending/segmenting CVC words for reading and writing. This product contains: • Teacher’s Notes and Answer Sheet for carousel activity • 30 CVC Word Search Strips with pictures (6 pages) • 30 CVC Sentence Strips to read and find CVC answer (6 pages) • Find and Write CVC List Worksheets –With headings Table 1 to Table 6 for carousel • 36 Pictures (not labelled) for CVC List Worksheets above (Laminate/cut out) • 36 Pictures labelled for other suggested activities <strong>30 CVC Word Search Strips with pictures (6 pages)</strong> There are 6 worksheets each containing 5 CVC word search strips. The students look at the picture and then search for the word in the strip. When found, they colour or shade in the word. You can cut the strips out and stick into students’ phonics book. <strong>30 CVC Sentence Clue Strips (6 pages)</strong> These worksheets are for the more able that can read and decode words. The students read the sentence which gives a clue to the CVC word to look for in the mini word search strip. The strips contain two CVC words, but only one is correct. For example: This animal barks. He/She then looks for the word in the strip and colour or shade in the word. You have the option of cutting out the strips and selecting those you feel are suitable for your students and sticking them into workbooks or the students can complete the worksheets. <strong>Find and Write Carousel Activity</strong> The students are up and moving in this activity. Once they have completed the task on table 1, they then move on to table 2 with a different selection of pictures with Table 2 Worksheet CVC List and so on to Table 6. Each table contains a set of different pictures which relates to each worksheet with the same pictures. Children work in table groups. When the children change tables, hand out the ‘Find and Write List’ for that table for children to write on. You can set a time limit for working on each table. The students look at the worksheet for, e.g. table 3. They will see six pictures. They find the pictures that match what is on their worksheet and write the CVC word for that picture. <strong>Make sure they write their names on their worksheet before handing them in and going on to the next table activity with new words and pictures.</strong> <strong>Other Suggested Uses</strong> Extra group activity – Select some of the laminated pictures cards and ask the children to write the cvc words for those cards on their whiteboards. Thank you for your interest. File Type: Word and PDF.
Onset/Rime Word Families  Presentations  Activities  Worksheets  EYFS/ KS1

Onset/Rime Word Families Presentations Activities Worksheets EYFS/ KS1

CVC word families onset and rime worksheets and PowerPoint Presentations. You can see sample Presentations and worksheets in the preview pane. All the worksheets have the same format for each onset/rime. Each of the 7 Presentations contains 17 Slides. This comprehensive resource contains groups of word families - onset and rime. <strong>There are PowerPoint Presentations to teach the word families which contain: </strong> Whole class teaching via the Presentations , e.g. saying the onset and rime and seeing why they rhyme. You can extend the lesson e.g. which two pictures rhyme bed/red can be played with the picture cards. There are Teachers’ Guides on suggestions on how to use this resource. The Picture Cards and Word Cards should be laminated and cut out for repeated use. <strong>Activities for students to do:</strong> Matching words to pictures and vice versa with the laminated cut out picture/word cards Cut/paste activities to sort onset/rime word families Sorting into boxes - read words below using phonological knowledge to sort words Write simple captions for the pictures and then colour in, eg. rat on a cat, dog on a log using key sight words , a, an, the ,on and others. Worksheet - write initial phoneme to complete word Worksheet - write ending of rime to complete each word <strong>Onset/rime covered: -at, -ad, -ag, -an, -et, -en, -eg, -ed, -ot, -og, -in, -ig, -ug, -un, -ip, -ut, -ap, -op, -ay, -it, ox, um, -ob, -ub, -od, -ud, -ix, -on and -am. </strong> File Type: Word format and PowerPoint held in a .zip file for convenience. All resources are printable, editable and can be adapted to suit your class. Learning aim: Recognise phoneme/grapheme connection and produce rhyming words.
Letters/Sounds Phonics: Read/Trace Over Year 1 High Frequency/Common Exception Words Spellings

Letters/Sounds Phonics: Read/Trace Over Year 1 High Frequency/Common Exception Words Spellings

Phase 2 - 6: Letters and Sounds - English - Appendix 1 - Spellings Preparation: Print, laminate and cut out - use with dry-wipe pen for continuous use. Year 1 high frequency words and tricky words phases 2 to 6 and common exception words in large lettering and dotted words for tracing over. Read the word below, then practise writing the word. Great resource for children to take home to practise reading and writing a selection of words. Help prepare student for a spelling test. Useful resource to give to children who are learning English as a second language. Give them two or three words to learn and practise writing and/or incorporate into lessons. Learning Objective: To read, write and spell common and tricky words. File Type: pdf.
Phonics Phase 4 Initial  Blends bl/ br CCVC words-Presentations, Plans, Activities, Dictation KS1

Phonics Phase 4 Initial Blends bl/ br CCVC words-Presentations, Plans, Activities, Dictation KS1

This comprehensive phonics resource focuses on initial consonant blends bl and br CCVC words. In stages, it clearly explains and demonstrates CCVC to pupils. Aimed at: Foundation Stage/Keystage1 and SEN pupils; Pupils who find blends challenging Ideal resource for ESL pupils and one-to-one and small group teaching. Teaching format in both presentations are similar - includes whole class activities - practise writing CCVC words, segment/blend words, listening activities, sorting out jumbled words activity. It incorporates letters/sounds, consonant digraphs and vowel digraphs learnt in Phase 3 in order to make CCVC words. It contains:- Teacher’s Notes (x2) Presentations to recall letters and sounds Presentation showing picture of hand to count phonemes for CCVC activities Teaching Presentation for initial blend bl (54 Slides) Teaching Presentation for initial blend br (54 Slides) 2 Detailed Lessons Plans (learning objectives, main activities, plenaries) - All the slides are referred to in the lesson plans. Phoneme Frame for whole class and group activities - laminate for repeated use 2 sets of Flash cards of words (1 set shows sound buttons and lines)- laminate Pictures cards and related words - laminate and cut out Differentiated worksheets for pupils that need support and more able pupils. Cut and paste activity sheets Learning is reinforced by cut/paste activities. There are cloze activities - pupils choose a suitable word to complete sentences. Additional Practical activities - Match words to pictures for just bl- blends Match words to pictures for just br- blends For revision- Lay out a mixture of bl/br pictures and words for children to match up. Learning Objectives: To develop children’s knowledge of initial consonant blends. To segment and blend CCVC words for reading and writing. Related phonics: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonics-revision-of-digraphs-sh-ch-th-ng-ck-ph-wh-presentation-lesson-plan-activities-11382757
Digraphs Ph and Wh  Presentations Lesson Plans  Activities Audio (Listening) Worksheets

Digraphs Ph and Wh Presentations Lesson Plans Activities Audio (Listening) Worksheets

**This phonics resource focuses on the digraphs ph and wh. ** Aimed at: Foundation/Keystage 1, SEN students, EAL and ESL students. Content Lesson Focus: Digraph 'Ph’ PowerPoint Presentation (includes whole class activities) - click/drag mouse to match pictures/words; unscramble jumbled words; Listening tasks - (click on speaker icon) - See a preview of one of the slides. Lesson Plan (include learning objectives and plenary) - slides are referred to in the plan Differentiated worksheet activities - cut/paste activities, trace over dots. Differentiated Extension worksheets Flashcard and pictures (extended practical activities) Set of flashcards showing highlighted digraph **Lesson Focus: Digraph ‘Wh’ ** PowerPoint Presentation (includes whole class activities) - click/drag mouse to match pictures/words; Audio -there are listening tasks in the presentation - see example Slide 3 in preview pane Lesson Plan (including learning objectives and plenary)- slides are referred to in the plan Differentiated worksheet activities - Cut/paste activities, trace over dots. Differentiated Extension worksheets Flashcard and pictures (extended practical matching activities) Set of flashcards showing highlighted digraph Revision on both ph and wh digraphs: PowerPoint Presentation (includes whole class activities and audio/ listening tasks) Lesson Plan (lesson objectives and plenary) Cut and paste sorting activity - ph or wh Differentiated extension worksheets Word Search and Solution on digraph ph Word Search and Solution on digraph wh The additional resource to go with this pack are A4 size flashcards with pictures/words in print and cursive writing: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/digraph-flashcards-wh-ph-sh-ch-th-ng-and-ck-11367425
Consonant Digraphs Worksheets and Activities, Teacher Notes - Phase 3 Phonics KS1

Consonant Digraphs Worksheets and Activities, Teacher Notes - Phase 3 Phonics KS1

Letters and Sounds: Phase 3 Consonant Digraphs This is a phonics resource on consonant digraphs. It is an ideal addition to my other resources on consonant digraphs. It is aimed at Keystage 1 and more able Foundation children, SEND and ESL students. The strips are differentiated and gives students the opportunity to read, write and practise digraphs using the visual images as prompts. **Consonant digraphs: sh, ch, th, ng, ck, ph and wh. ** The pack contains: Plain strips - Student look at the picture and practise writing the word - There are 4 different words containing the same digraph. E.g. shoes, shell, fish, dish. Trace over dots - again 4 different words for the same digraph Jumbled words strips - unscramble the word by looking at the picture and writing the word. Jumbled words strips (with highlighted digraph) - The highlighted digraph means they stay together so it only remains for the student to unscramble the rest of the letters. 12 Practice worksheets to consolidate their learning on digraphs. Total download: 90 Blend cards, 12 worksheets and Teacher Notes (2 pages) Please see preview pane. Learning aim: To review and revise consonant digraphs Thank you for your interest.
CVC Word Families Phonics Worksheets

CVC Word Families Phonics Worksheets

This resource relates to CVC word families - onset and rime. It contains 30 worksheets in black and white and the same 30 worksheets in colour. There are three tasks on each worksheet: Cut and glue the correct missing letters to complete the word family using the picture clues. Choose the correct missing letter to complete the word or put a cross in the box below the picture that does not belong to the same word family. Complete the crossword puzzle – the three-letter words go across and down. A PDF fillable worksheet has now been added which can be completed on computer devices. These worksheets can be used for: • extension work • early finishers • revision of word families • homework Hope this is a timesaver and thank you for stopping by! :) This product is also part of a large CVC bundle which contains a variety of CVC activities.
Phonics - Initial Consonant Blends Pl-CCVC Words, Presentation, Lesson, Worksheets/Activities

Phonics - Initial Consonant Blends Pl-CCVC Words, Presentation, Lesson, Worksheets/Activities

This single phonics pack focuses on initial consonant blend ‘pl’ CCVC words. As with the other consonant blends packs: it is child-centred child-friendly and a step up from CVC and CCV to Phase 4: Letters and Sounds Phonics. Aimed at: Early Years and keystage 1, SEND and ESL/EFL students. It is an addition to my other resources on initial consonant blends. This pack contains: Flexible Lesson Plan with learning objectives, lesson starter, main activities and plenary - You can choose which parts are relevant to your class. PowerPoint slides are referred to in the plan. PowerPoint Presentation 1 (30 Slides)- includes explanation of initial blend, CCVC words and whole class activities to prepare children for their independent activities. PowerPoint Phoneme Presentation - Optional (Use as reference - some children may still be struggling with segmenting/blending) - I have listed all the CCVC words and the units of sound above the fingers so that children can see and hear the separate phonemes (with pictures) - extension some children may be able to give you other meaning for the words in a sentence. I have highlighed that ‘plot’ and ‘plain’ have different meanings. Encourage children to make simple sentences with the words to understand its meaning and distinguish between nouns, verbs or adjectives. Flashcards and words with and without sound buttons and lines. Set of pictures and words for matching activities (7) 4 Differentiated Activity Sheets - for cut/paste work, writing sentences, reading and matching words to pictures, missing word and vowel activity sheets. You can combine the set of pictures and words with the other resources I have done on consonant blends - creating a set of pictures and words for future use. See newly created activity sheets in preview pane. File Type: PowerPoint, MS Word and PDF Format Hope you enjoy this resource and thank you for visiting my shop:-)
Alphabet Displays Aa-Zz cards Alphabet mat pictures Trace over Aa-Zz Word cards

Alphabet Displays Aa-Zz cards Alphabet mat pictures Trace over Aa-Zz Word cards

Alphabet resource for display and alphabet activities. This resource contains the following:- Teacher’s Notes • Aa to Zz frieze showing pictures beginning with initial letter. Laminate and punch holes and thread through with a string to hang around the classroom or peg onto a washing line across a wall/classroom. Aa – Zz word strips and related pictures • Laminate and cut out • Can be used as an extension activity. Children trace round the initial dotted letter which shows a picture for that letter. Alphabet cards • Alphabet cards should be printed off twice, laminated and cut out. • Children can play alphabet snap • Other games – lay out 4 or 5 letters in alphabetical order ,e.g. k, l, m, n, o, cover them over. Take a letter away without the children seeing and ask what letter is missing. • Matching lower case to upper case letters activity. Practise writing frames using Sassoon dotted font • These are in upper and lower cases. Each one should be laminated. • After focussing on e.g. ‘t’, children can practise writing over the dots and then without the dots as handwriting exercises. Alphabet Mat Practise (trace over dotted letters) Photocopy these and laminate • Children can keep it in their trays for reference; • can practise their handwriting if they finish their work early or for those children who need to practise fine motor skills. Practise writing frames using Sassoon dotted font • These are in upper and lower cases. Each one should be laminated. • After focussing on e.g. ‘t’, children can practise writing over the dots and then without the dots as handwriting exercises. Alphabet Mat • Can be laminated and blu tac to the wall in the writing/reading/book corner. • Can be used to assess a child’s phonic progress. Alphabet Pictures Games/Assessment • The pictures represent the start of a letter e.g. ‘g’ for grasshopper. The pictures are not in alphabetical order so that you have to look for the picture. • Enlarge the A4 size sheet to A3 and the sheet with the alphabet tiles. • Laminate the Alphabet Pictures grid • Laminate the Alphabet sheet then cut out each letter for use with Alphabet Pictures grid. • Children can play in pairs. A timer can be set so that children have a limited time to place the letter on the correct picture. • Players take turns to ask his/her partner to find the picture beginning with, e.g. ‘s’. The player picks out one of the letters and places it over the correct picture sound on the Alphabet Picture Mat. US Version https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12693631 Thank you for visiting my shop:)
CVC Words, Picture Board + Word Cards, Games, Phonics Screening Sheets, Assessment

CVC Words, Picture Board + Word Cards, Games, Phonics Screening Sheets, Assessment

This resource relates to matching a mixture of CVC words to pictures. Learning aims: To read and match CVC words to pictures by segmenting and blending. There are two parts to this resource: 1. Play as a game to practise blending and segmenting; 2. For the teacher to assess children's progress in reading CVC words. This product contains: - Teachers' Notes on suggested activities - 8 phonic CVC Phonic Boards 1 to 8 containing clipart pictures - 72 word cards - 24 alien words/pseudo-words - 8 Phonic CVC Screening Check Sheets The boards are colour-coded with the word cards. On each board there are 9 cvc pictures and 3 alien pictures. There are 9 real word cards and 3 alien/pseudo-words for each picture board. Learn to read consonant, vowel, consonant(cvc) words via games - children choose any board number (Board 1 to Board 8) which are colour-coded with the word cards, e.g. Board 1 (yellow) with yellow word cards. H/she chooses a board and read the word on the card and cover the picture that matches the word. The alien pictures can be covered with any of the pseudo-word cards. Children can play in twos/threes - choose the colour of their boards and word cards. Shuffle the set of word cards and lay them face down on the table. They take turns turning over a card. If a card matches their board colour, s/he reads the word and covers the picture for that word. If the colour does not match or s/he cannot read the word, the word card is put back face down on the table. Using the word cards only - shuffle a selection of cards and the child reads as many words as s/he can. Additional use to check progress: For the teacher/assistant - Optional 8 Phonics screening check sheets - On each sheet there is a list of words that correspond to the set of word cards. Select a set of cards and as the child reads each card you complete the phonics screening sheet. Please see preview pane of a completed phonic board with cards. Preparation: For durability laminate onto card paper the Boards 1 to 8. Laminate each set of word cards and cut out the cards. File type: Word and Pdf. An ideal addition to your literacy station resources. Hope you enjoy this multi-purpose product.
Alphabet Letters and Shapes Worksheets Cut and Paste Alphabet Playdough Mats

Alphabet Letters and Shapes Worksheets Cut and Paste Alphabet Playdough Mats

This is a free sample of upper and lowercase A, B and C letters only with 2D and 3D shapes. A, B and C alphabet playdough mats for modelling letter shapes. The mats show pictures in colour and b&w. The letters are on whole pages in two sizes - A4 and US letter size 8.5 x 11". Fun learning activity colouring in shapes and background of letters and making letter shapes. Content: Lowercase letters a b c with 2D shapes Uppercase letters A B C with 2D shapes Lowercase letters a b c with 3D shapes Uppercase letters A B C with 3D shapes Alphabet playdough mats A, B & C Alphabet playdough mats with pictures labelled Please click on link for full product description. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/alphabet-letters-and-2d-and-3d-shapes-worksheets-cut-and-paste-activities-bundle-12149969 Thank you for your interest.
Alphabet Match and Write Initial Uppercase and Lowercase letters to Pictures

Alphabet Match and Write Initial Uppercase and Lowercase letters to Pictures

I have uploaded a resource to support children’s learning of the alphabet. Children draw a line from each picture to the correct beginning letter name. There are two sets which you can laminate for use with drywipe pens or you use as worksheets. Two different lower case 'k’s are used. Full pack link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/alphabet-letters-activities-matching-pictures-to-upper-and-lower-case-letters-incs-trace-over-dots-11697982 Hope you find it useful.
Reading comprehension, sentence & word work - PowerPoint Presentation, lesson plan and worksheets

Reading comprehension, sentence & word work - PowerPoint Presentation, lesson plan and worksheets

This literacy resource includes:- - PowerPoint Presentation on all the lessons - the reading text is on the Presentation for whole class teaching including whole class exercises. Literacy lessons for a week focusing on the short story: - -reading comprehension questions - capital letters and full stops - jumbled sentences/words - choosing a correct word in a sentence - acting out the story (reading the dialogue) - dictation (writing simple sentences from memory) - Composition - re-writing the ending of the story - Worksheets and activities - Audio of the story within PowerPoint All the worksheets can be adapted. File Type: Word Format and PowerPoint Presentation. You may also be interested in Reading Comprehension Packs. Reading Comprehension Packs All images royalty free from Microsoft clipart.